Keeping Searching - Day 29
You have a choice. You can either read the reflection below or listen to me talk in the video here: Final reflection I finish off this...
Keeping Searching - Day 29
Victory and Go - Day 28
Jesus vs. Judas - Day 27
Be Ready - Day 26
Don’t Miss It - Day 25
Jesus' Authority - Day 24
What Gets In The Way? - Day 23
Relationship Advice - Day 22
Small but Intense Faith - Day 21
Who Am I? - Day 20
Signs and Yeast - Day 19
Mercy and Clean and Unclean - Day 18
Big Signs - Day 17
Kingdom Seeds - Day 16
Recognize The Authority - Day 15
Listening and Receiving - Day 14
Authority Given and the Kingdom Cost - Day 13
Mercy, not sacrifice - Day 12
He is in Control - Day 11
He is Willing & He Has Authority - Day 10